January 5, 2025

Message from vice Chancellor

Message From VC

Prof. M. A. WadudMondal
M.Sc(D.U), Ph.D(Birmingham)

The University of South Asia is drawn together by its commitment to a set of core values, including Inclusiveness, integrity, honesty, respect for others, personal accountability, contributing to the community and a dedication to excellence-qualities that play a key role in developing the teamwork and sound judgment that are central to our educational mission.

The Core values are:

  • Engagement with the community
  • Connectivity with larger networks
  • Communication with key stake holders and
  • Careers that transform and transcend the LIMITS of both the individuals and his/her context

The University of South Asia faculty members, one of the most qualified cluster of teachers in any private university in Bangladesh , with most of them having degrees from foreign universities, are committed to these core values and work constantly to instill these values to all our students.

As one of the most thriving universities of the country, University of South Asia aims to have an impact not only at local and national levels, but also globally. Our academics collaborate with partners , both home and abroad, to advance knowledge and address challenges of international importance in areas as diverse as public health , entrepreneurship, engineering and the environment.

I hope the prospective students will find this prospectus useful in making one of the most important decisions of their lives, i.e. where to pursue their undergraduate/ graduate studies.