January 6, 2025

Master in Nutrition and Food Science

About the Course

Master of Nutrition and Food Science degree is the most widely recognized professional credential for leadership positions in Nutrition and Food Science sector. U/O South Asia run Master of Nutrition and Food Science course which addresses the growing need for well-prepared professionals and prepare students with the qualifications to serve the people for the development of healthy communities. This course improves student’s skills through a deeper understanding of interdisciplinary competencies including communications, diversity, and leadership. Master of Nutrition and Food Science provide a strong foundation in the physical, biochemical and nutritional sciences. This course is design to teach students about the importance of sociological, cultural and behavioral forces that influence attitudes about food and nutrition in the real world. Nutrition and food science course focus on the chemical and biological components of the food and the ways in which these ingredients affect our health. Nutrition and food science experts help people to lead healthier lives through a balanced diet. Most graduates of nutrition and food science program become nutritionists or dietitians. Dieticians and nutritionists are also concerned with education and awareness. Food scientists analyze food and it’s ingredients, safe preservation and processing of food as well as its nutritional value. This course prepares students in the food and nutrition field so that they can keep pace with developments and look at current occupations in industry, health, and public perspectives. The students draw knowledge and skills from a variety of disciplines to define, assess and ultimately resolve nutrition and food problems. Students will develop the practical skills needed to organize, analyze, interpret, and communicate nutrition and food knowledge and apply this knowledge to the assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation of policies and programs. Graduates will develop an awareness of ethical and cultural issues pertaining to nutrition and food research and practice.

Masters of Nutrition and Food is an enlivening and promising field of study which offers enormous personal accomplishment. This programme provides students with a strong foundation in the fundamental principles and practice of nutrition and food health and apply this to the specific challenges in delivery, planning and management of health services in their national context. This course is designed to meet a wide range of student needs and interests and to adapt learning to particular areas of nutrition and food science. The course begins by introducing key issues in nutrition and food science. Its flexible modular structure offers a range of generic and transferable skills. Nutrition and Food science students apply their knowledge and skills to practical problems and integrate their competencies in a real world project.

Skills You Develop In This Major

  • Analytical Skills
  • Nutrition Theory & Practical Knowledge
  • Statistical Skills
  • Communication Skills

Special Features of Nutrition & Food Science at U/O South Asia

  • A flexible program
  • Significant awareness of how the research process may be applied in the study of Nutrition & Food Science
  • Develop multidisciplinary and mutual strategies for solving Nutrition & Food related problem.
  • Promotion of healthy lifestyle, balanced diet and nutrition information.
  • Give idea about chronic non-communicable diseases and malnutrition.
  • Improve communication skills by working with diverse populations. Engage and communicate effectively and appropriately with diverse communities to achieve shared goals.
  • Working in healthy eating style promotion, nutrition information and disease prevention.
  • Students will pursue the practice of Nutrition & Food Science in various sectors not only at the national but also at the international level.
  • Student will develop a life-long career of personal and professional growth in the rapidly changing world with ethical consciousness and global awareness.
  • Students need to remain up-to-date. It is an essential aspect of professionalism. Students are encouraged to read professional journals, join and be active in professional societies and to develop the ability to learn on their own.
  • Exceptionally qualified faulty members having higher degrees from top ranking Universities in the US, Canada, UK, Australia and Japan. Most of them graduated from reputed Bangladeshi Universities like DU, JU and professionals, researchers in this field.
  • Students interact with lecturers renowned for teaching in Nutrition & Food Science practice.
  • Collaboration with faculty, research institutes and professional bodies at home and abroad.
  • An excellent library with continuous additions of new titles rich departmental resource center and an expanding subscription of on­line journals.
  • Excellent financial assistance opportunities for students in the form tuition waiver and Teaching Assistance.
  • Opportunities to participate in national and international seminars, workshops and conferences.
  • Excellent writing, presentation and communication skills development with multi culture and interdisciplinary background which enhance their efficiencies and their eminency as an executive.
  • Be able to assume innovator, executive, leadership, and entrepreneurial roles in their careers.

Degree Requirements:

  • Completion of 9 courses (30 credit)
  • Completion of the project and thesis (18 credit)
  • 30 Credit Theory Course + 18 Credit Project /Thesis = 48 Credit